Former Vice-Chancellor, Annamalai University, Chidambaram

Former Professor of Chemistry & Director, Centre for Research, Anna University
Chennai 600025  INDIA

Prof. V. Murugesan completed Masters & pre-doctoral degree (M.Phil.) from University of Madras and Ph.D. from Anna University. Prof. Murugesan was a researcher at the University of Pittsburgh, USA during 1992-93. He worked in various positions at Anna University, Chennai and became a full Professor in the year 1996. He has over 43 years of teaching experience and more than 35 years of research experience. He served as the Head of the Department of Chemistry, Anna University for seven years. During his tenure as Head, he equipped the Department with state-of-the-art facilities for research, consultancy and testing through various grants. The tenure of Prof. Murugesan as Dean, Faculty of Science and Humanities has seen changes towards the overall improvement of academic standards.

His major research interests include porous catalytic materials for fine chemical synthesis, semiconductor photocatalytic mesoporous and nanostructured materials for pollution abatement. Under the supervision of Prof. Murugesan, 35 scholars graduated for Ph.D. degree and over 100 students completed their Masters and M.Phil. Theses.  Prof. Murugesan has published more than 200 research articles in SCI journals.   His research publications in journals of repute have been cited by several researchers all over the world. He has very good citation metrics and his present Scopus h-index is 49.  He has been awarded the Thomson Reuters India citation award 2012 for Research Excellence and high citations for his research articles.

He has established excellent research links with Universities and Institutes both within India and abroad.  Prof. Murugesan has travelled widely across the globe in connection with participation in International Conferences and as visiting Scientist under exchange programs. Prof.Murugesan has been awarded the prestigious STA and JSPS Fellowships of Japan. In recognition of his significant contribution to porous materials, the journal ‘Advanced Porous Materials’ published a special volume commemorating his 65th birthday. He is serving as an expert in many statutory bodies and completed many research projects from various agencies.

Prof. Murugesan is on the editorial board of journals and is a reviewer for several prestigious international journals. He is a member in Professional bodies both within the country and abroad.  Prof. Murugesan served as Director, Centre for Research, Anna University for four years and after his retirement, he worked as Professor of Eminence and Advisor, Centre for Research, Anna University. Later, he served as Registrar and Director, Sponsored Research & Consultancy, B.S.Abdur Rahman Crescent University, Chennai. He is currently the Vice-Chancellor of Annamalai University, Annamalainagar, Chidambaram, India.